Friday, September 16, 2011

Learning Spanish For A Missions Trip

Every year many churchgoers make the decision to go on a trip to a mission field. Whether it's a building project or a medical mission, everyone has skills they can contribute. Probably the majority of these trips are to Spanish-speaking countries.

If you can learn simple Spanish phrases, you can be a great asset to the team. Many of these trips are planned on short notice. You don't have time to take a college level Spanish course. There are, of course, other options. You can hire a tutor but this can get expensive. There are a number of online Spanish courses available. Costs for these courses vary greatly but they have many advantages.


You can sign up for an online course almost immediately. You can study at your own pace and concentrate on the subjects that will help you most on a short-term trip. Most online Spanish programs offer interactive courses. They allow you to converse with other learners. This greatly assists you in understanding subjects you are not clear about. It also helps you build your vocabulary rapidly.

What should you look for in an online Spanish course? For purposes of your mission trip, you want to know enough Spanish for any situation you are likely to encounter. This includes phrases you are likely to need at the airport regarding tickets, luggage, getting a taxi, etc. You need to know terms used for the local currency. At the hotel, you will need phrases relating to room items, restaurants, directions, etc. If you get a hotel, consider yourself lucky. On many mission trips, a hotel is not an option. On a trip to Guatemala we stayed in a two-room schoolhouse with broken windows and a dirt floor.

You may have a chance to do some shopping while in the country. If you are on the lookout for a particular item, such as locally made blankets, you will want to consider in advance any questions you may have and learn to express these questions in Spanish.

Another set of Spanish phrases you may want to consider has to do with emergency situations. If you use a rental vehicle and get a flat tire, who do you call and what do you tell them? Getting lost is quite easy. When calling for help, it can be useful to know how to pronounce the names on any sign you can see, such as town names and street signs. One last thing you may want to think about. On some hand-held devices, you can download Spanish phrases. This can really be useful.

Good luck on your trip and may God bless your efforts.

Learning Spanish For A Missions Trip


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