Building financial support through a letter to family and friends
On the average, 0 can be raised through well-written letters sent to about 75 people who know you: family members and friends. Some groups prepare a fund-raising letter in a downloadable form so participants can easily personalize it. Spread the word widely; don't limit the letters to Christian friends and family. Send thank-you letters for every financial gift. Sometimes, "thank you" notes will even bring follow-up gifts.
How local churches can help come up with the needed money
Give official blessing or sanction Provide letters of endorsement on church stationery [ more info ] Let people share with the congregation in services Allow pleas for donations during services Host informational meetings about the trip Publicize the trip Information in the congregation's monthly newsletter Inserts in the weekly church bulletin Call attention to those that get involved in local ministry when they return or decide to go long-term as a result of going short-term. Provide direct financial support Provide partial funding from the church budget. Help in getting out a support raising letter. Organizing prayer support. Organize fund-raising events within the church. Auction off 6 hours of the trip participant's time. Hold dinner/auction of baked goods. Auction of baked goods with pie-in-the-face.
Ideas for Fund Raiser Events
Mexican Dinner- Turn a hall into a Mexican restaurant and have the group dress in traditional Mexican as they serve a basic combination plate dinner to those who have purchased tickets. Suggested menu: tacos, rice and re-fried beans. Have volunteer cooks help with the preparation of the meal. Another suggestion would be to have the families of the group cook so they can have a chance to work together.
Bible Reading Marathon-Have members get pledges per hour to read the Bible continuously. Make it a party! Have group members take turns to reading in one room while in another have videos or team-building games that will to encourage them as they invest in their project.
Servant Auction - Auction off group members to become "servants" working for a set amount per hour paid to the organization.
Individual Sponsorship- Group members can obtain individual sponsors by personal request.
Shareholders- Supporters and friends can buy a "share" in the trip. Provide 'stock' certificates of their importance to the trip and be sure to share the experience with them after the group returns home.
Bake Sales- Be creative and add a new angle by having a "sugarless bake sale", or a "chocolate-lovers' bake sale".
Talent Show- Encourage all the members/families in your group to participate in a talent show. Charge admission and enjoy the fun!
Aluminum Can Collection- Set aside a central location or a private garage to collect aluminum cans for redemption at the local recycling center.
Hold Giant Garage/Yard Sale- Collect items from others such as clothing, furniture, car parts, electrical appliances, etc. for a profitable yard sale. Be sure to promote the cause while doing so for additional exposure.
Sunday School Class Challenge- Challenge Sunday School classes to compete with each other to raise money for the trip. Encourage them to keep track of what they collect and report on it each week. Celebrate with a class party after the trip with photos and testimonials.
Car Wash- For a car wash fund-raiser add a twist like a "car wash and wax" while people pay to hit leaders of the group with water balloons or whipped cream. The most successful car washes are FREE with the group participants getting a per-car-washed pledge from supporters. You can also sell car wash coupons ahead of time as well.
B-B-Q Cookout- Hold an old fashion BBQ after church or at some special time and location. You can even have items donated for the BBQ from individuals or local businesses.
Other ideas
Car Wash: Sell car wash coupons
Organize dinners or dinner theaters and sell tickets
Hold giant garage/rummage sale
Sell barbecue
Organize and teach an Internet beginners' course
Sell tubs of frozen cookie dough
Find a restaurant that will donate part of the cost of a meal or provide meal
Helpful Links - Ministry Offering Safe Affordable Mission Trips to Mexico
Fund-Raising Ideas for Mission Trips MISSIONS TRIPS
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