Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fishing For Nile Perch on Lake Nasser

The Nile Perch (Lates niloticus) is one of the worlds largest fresh water fish growing to a maximum distance of around 2 metres (6 feet) and reach a weight of over to 200kg (560lbs). Not surprisingly, it is a highly sought after fish by fishermen who are finding for an angling adventure of a lifetime.

The Nile Perch is found in many parts of Africa together with Congo, Nile, Senegal, Niger, Lake Chad, Volta and Lake Turkana to name a few. It is a large mouth game fish which feeds on smaller fish in the lakes and rivers where it lives.


Although Lake Nasser is preeminent for its Nile Perch fishing, the description fish was hooked in Lake Victoria where the species was introduced in the 1950s. The fish weighed in at an impressive 232kg (516lbs) but the species had a disastrous succeed causing the extinction or near-extinction of many native species on which it preyed. It is consider among the 100 worst invasion species and although it has been introduced into a whole of lakes in Africa, the state of Queensland in Australia will heavily fine anything found in possession of a live Nile Perch as it is a direct competitor with the native Barramundi.

However, in Lake Nasser in Egypt, the Nile Perch has thrived. Lake Nasser is an synthetic lake created by the building of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960s and once the species was introduced, it has attracted sports fishermen from all round the world. The conditions of the lake mean that the Nile Perch is far more likely to grow to larger sizes than it would in a river and there are a huge whole of specimens of more than 100kg (220lbs).

The fishing opportunities at Lake Nasser are from the shore as well as from boats and prominent anglers are on description as saying that the fishing at Lake Nasser is unlike in any place else in the world. In addition to the Nile Perch, Lake Nasser is also home to the ferocious Tiger fish and the Catfish. In order to conserve the fish population, many fellowships who run fishing trips here operate a catch and publish procedure which ensures that the larger fish live to fight an additional one day.

Fishing For Nile Perch on Lake Nasser


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