A national coat of arms is the highest visual symbol of the State. The coat of arms is also a central part of the Great Seal, traditionally considered to be the highest emblem of the State. Absolute authority is given to every document with an impression of the Great Seal on it, as this means that it has been approved by the ruler of a country.
A new coat of arms now replaces one that has served South Africa since 17 September 1910. The change reflects the aim of Government to highlight the democratic change in South Africa.
The new Coat of Arms is a series of elements organised in distinct symmetric oval shapes placed on top of one another.
The first element is the motto, in a green semi-circle. Completing the semi-circle are two symmetrically placed pairs of elephant tusks pointing upwards. Within the oval shape formed by the tusks are two symmetrical ears of wheat which in turn frame a centrally placed gold shield.
The shape of the shield makes reference to a drum, and contains two human figures from Khoi san rock art. The figures are depicted facing one another in greeting and in unity. Above the shield are placed a spear and a knobkierie, crossed in a single unit. These elements are arranged harmoniously to give focus to the shield and complete the lower oval shape of Foundation.
Immediately above the lower oval shape, is the visual centre of the Coat of Arms, a Protea. The petals of the Protea are rendered in a triangular pattern reminiscent of the crafts of Africa. The secretary bird is placed above the Protea and the flower forms the chest of the bird. The secretary bird stands with its wings uplifted in a regal stance. The distinctive head feathers of the secretary bird crown a strong and vigilant head.
The rising sun above the horizon is placed between the wings of the secretary bird and completes the oval shape of ascendance.
The Motto:
!KE E: /XARRA //KE, written in the Khoisan language of the /Xam people, literally meaning: diverse people unite. On a collective scale it calls for the nation to unite in a common sense of belonging and national pride - Unity in Diversity.
The Ears of Wheat:
An emblem of fertility, it also symbolizes the idea of germination, growth and the feasible development of any potential. It relates to the nourishment of the people and signifies the agricultural aspects of the earth.
Elephant Tusks:
Elephants symbolize wisdom, strength, moderation and eternity.
The Shield:
It has a dual function as a vehicle for the display of identity and of spiritual defence.
The Human Figures:
The figures are derived from images on the Linton stone, a world famous example of South African Rock Art, now housed and displayed in the South African Museum in Cape Town. The Khoisan, the oldest known inhabitants of South Africa, and most probably of the earth, testify to a common humanity and heritage. The figures are depicted in an attitude of greeting, symbolizing unity.
The Spear and Knobkierie:
Dual symbols of defence and authority, they in turn represent the powerful legs of the secretary bird. The spear and knobkierie are lying down, symbolising peace.
The Protea:
The Protea is an emblem of the beauty of South Africa and its flowering. The Protea symbolizes the holistic integration of forces that grows from the earth and are nurtured from above. The most popular colours of Africa have been assigned to the Protea - green, gold, red and black.
The Secretary Bird:
The secretary bird is characterised in flight, the natural consequence of growth and speed. It is the equivalent of the lion on earth. A powerful bird whose legs - depicted as the spear and knobkierie - serve it well in its hunt for snakes symbolising protection of the nation against its enemies. It is a messenger of the heavens and conducts its grace upon the earth, in this sense it is a symbol of divine majesty. Its uplifted wings are an emblem of the ascendance of the nation, whilst simultaneously offering protection. It is depicted in gold, which clearly symbolizes its association with the sun and the highest power.
The Rising Sun:
An emblem of brightness, splendour and the supreme principle of the nature of energy, it symbolizes the promise of rebirth, the active faculties of reflection, knowledge, good judgment and willpower. It is the symbol of the source of life, of light and the ultimate wholeness of Humanity.
The completed structure of the Coat of Arms combines the lower and higher oval shapes in a symbol of infinity. The path that connects the lower edge of the scroll, through the lines of the tusks, with the horizon above which the sun rises at the top, forms the shape of the cosmic egg from which the secretary bird rises. In the symbolic sense this is the implied rebirth of the spirit of our great and heroic nation.
South African Coat of Arms MISSIONS TRIPS AFRICA
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