Are you looking for youth group fundraiser ideas? One of the biggest challenges when working with youth is that many youth are simply not motivated to raise money for a mission trip. It is not that teenagers don't want to raise money. Older youth have part time jobs and lots of homework in high school. Youth that play travel sports are often away on the weekends. Younger youth have more time to fundraise, but they are busy too. There are several strategies you can use to motivate your group to fundraise for the next event or mission trip.
As you explore youth group fundraiser ideas, you need to have a way to motivate your youth group. Get someone in your church who has done missions work to give a motivational speech to the youth. Make sure the speaker is someone who is passionate about missions. As the speaker shares his or her testimony with the group, the enthusiasm of the speaker will be conveyed to the youth. Have the speaker share some of her testimonies from one of her mission trips. The youth need to see the value of the fundraisers. The youth need to recognize how they are going to be able to change lives when they go on the mission trip. If they are motivated by the idea of ministering to others on the mission field, they will be motivated to do the fundraisers.
Another important aspect of working with youth on fundraisers is the product they are selling. There are some products that are great fundraisers, but some youth group fundraiser ideas don't work very well. One of the more traditional products sold in fundraisers is gift wrap paper. During the fall months, this is one of the most popular fundraisers. Unfortunately, this is not one of the best fundraisers. It does not motivate the youth to sell. There is nothing flashy about wrapping paper, and it doesn't motivate people potential customers the way that other products motivate people.
One of the better youth group fundraiser ideas is to have a silent auction. This is a fun way to raise money for mission trips. You can get the whole church involved in this fundraiser. If your church is located on a major highway, you can advertise the fundraiser on the street sign to get the public involved. A silent auction is basically an auction without an auctioneer. You can find items to sell from the group, from other church members, and local businesses too. Local businesses will often donate items for local charities and events.
Of all of the youth group fundraiser ideas I have seen, the best products to sell are coupon books. Fundraising coupon books are great because they offer tons of great discounts on stores where most people already shop. They often include coupons from popular retailers like GameStop, KFC, Pet Smart, iTunes, and Walmart. If someone is going to shop at these retailers, it is virtually a no-brainer to buy one of these coupon fundraiser books. The youth get excited because it is easy to sell to adults, and adults get excited because they know they are getting a great deal.
There are many youth group fundraiser ideas that will help you raise money for your next mission trip. Some fundraising programs work better than others, but it is not that difficult to raise money for your next ministry outreach. The best youth group fundraising ideas are products that are easy to sell and keep your youth motivated!
Youth Group Fundraiser Ideas - How to Motivate Youth to Raise Money for Their Mission Trip MISSIONS TRIPS
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