There is the close intimacy between Hemingway and safaris. Ernest Hemingway is the most famous American writer who wrote many adventurous stories and novels which are still popular among the avid book readers. He visited African countries many times and participated into the hunting games to capture the wild animals. To be frank he first coined the word 'safari'. It is meant for the overland or a trip crossing the broad extensive stretch of land under the open sky. Hemingway was never a good hunter or he didn't get any international accolade for hunting animals but he had the basic idea about shooting and hunting animals.
This type of adventurous experience gave him opportunity to create the wonderful novel and short stories on the wildlife. He was very excited and happy to feel the wilderness and the beauty of the nature. Nature seemed to be a darling to him and he visited the jungle several times to see the panorama and capture the wild animals. He first transformed the word Swahili into safari and African safari is full of adventure and mysticism. This Dark Continent has given me much scope for experiencing the wonderful and intoxicated hunting process.
There are many novels and short stories which are based on the wildlife. He enjoyed a lot to visit Tanzania, Kenya and other parts of the African continent. If you read the novels like The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber and The Snows of Kilimanjaro, you will be enamored to feel the romantic incidents which Hemingway experienced in his life.
Right now a tourist agency has launched a holiday package under the title Kilimanjaro safari to Africa. You can pay short or long visit to any African country to see the beauty of nature and you will have the wonderful experience by hunting the animals. True at First Light is another autobiographical book which has been written by Hemingway. This book has highlighted his memorable experience about the hunting in Africa.
Today there are many companies which have chalked out special plans and projects for making trip to Africa. They like to entitle their journey as Hemingway safaris. If you like to join this group or tourist agency to visit Nairobi, Kilimanjaro, Nigeria and other parts of this darkened continent, you should browse the internet to collect the updated information and data from online sites. Reading online reviews and short descriptive notes will be much beneficial to you to make fantastic journeys to Africa.
Hemingway Safari - Much More Adventurous and Romantic MISSIONS TRIPS AFRICA
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