Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mission Trip Fundraising Ideas

In these days of God-less time, becoming a missionary by itself, is a noble deed in the eyes of most men, though they will be loath to become one. God could not possibly be, however, impressed. It is we who need Him and not vice-versa. God does not certainly need a prop in the guise of men and women. However, after you have become one, you can impress God with your missionary work.

A mission trip is a natural corollary of an aspiring or ordained missionary. God certainly looks favorably upon those who take pity on the underprivileged and engage in activities aimed at alleviating the sufferings of those people. Any mission trip needs hard cash that is to be spent in myriad ways. So, how does one go about finding the where withal for the one's mission trip?


Make a list of faithful people whom you know and are fairly sure about their disposition towards religious activity or better still, mission trips. Write a sincere letter giving all possible details like the mission's purported aim, the actual activities that are envisaged and the possible good results that you hope to achieve. Send the letters across. You might send emails and warn them of it in text messages. Like a good Christian, when you receive a financial assistance, you must make it a point to thank the donor profusely. This usually has a cascading effect and friend as well as acquaintances of this donor may follow suit. That is quite desirable, isn't it?

Church is an obvious donor, and you must make sure that the parish priest and others in the church hierarchy. You might be able to convince your church authorities to pitch in with recommendation letters, which will go some way in getting even the disinterested people to come up with a donation. You must consider hosting congregational meetings where you should make the people aware of your mission trip. Fundraising among the members of the church can be fun but very fructifying. Some fun-filled games for children as well as adults could be organized. A small carnival of food stalls could also be in the order. The comparatively exorbitant rates of game tickets and food coupons will not be grudged by anyone. You could hope to make a tidy sum from these.

Contrary to what many people think, penny drives are fully acceptable and are not to be looked askance at. Remember, each penny is one step closer to a dollar!

Mission Trip Fundraising Ideas


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