Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Developing Numeracy With Manipulatives - Ten Frames

This article is from the 10-article series "Developing Numeracy With Manipulatives". Numeracy-developing manipulatives described in this series: number lines, 0-99 boards, numeral expanders, base ten blocks, bundling sticks, butcher's paper, Unifix cubes, plastic bears, & plastic chains.

Ten frames are, hands down, the most useful and powerful manipulative available to the teacher for developing numeracy. Their simple structure and uncomplicated use belie the powerful way in which they represent or model numbers up to 100 as collections of ten plus leftover ones.


Teaching With this Manipulative

A ten frame is simply a rectangle, 5 units long and 2 units wide, divided evenly into squares, in a five by two arrangement. The resource may be drawn on a piece of paper, part of a PowerPoint slide show, drawn by hand or marked out on the classroom floor or outside paved area. Numbers up to ten are marked using counters or other objects which fit easily into the squares. Children use this resource by placing counters into the squares to represent numbers.

Two different arrangements are possible for this process; counters should be placed starting at one end, and either placed along one long side first and then the other, or placed along a short edge, building up pairs as the number increases. So to show the number 6, it would look something like this:


|*| | | | |

or this:

|*|*|*| | |

|*|*|*| | |

These two alternative arrangements for counters each have advantages, such as showing a number as even or odd, showing how much more than 5 a number 6-10 is, and showing how much less than 10 a number is. It is important not to "scatter" counters randomly in the squares, as this has very little benefit to students, and will often require counting the counters one by one.

Visualizing Numbers

The process which students will develop when using this resource is called "subitization", a technical word used by math professors to refer to being able to say how many objects are in a small set without counting. This is something adults do subconsciously every day, and a skill children can develop also when using ten frames. Basically, the student will become so familiar with arrangements of counters on the ten frame that after a time the student can glance at an arrangement, and recognize the number immediately. At the same time, the student will recognize the number of empty spaces on the frame, which is the numbers "complement to ten", another really useful piece of information.

As an example when a child becomes familiar with seeing the number 6 arranged as two rows of three counters, the following facts about 6 would be readily apparent:

6 is an even number 6 is double 3 6 is 4 less than 10

Similarly, when the number 6 is arranged as a row of five and one more counter, a child can see straight away that:

6 is one more than 5 6 is over half of ten 5 + 1 = 6


Provide every student with their own ten frame and ten counters. Ask students to display numbers as quickly as they can. Check that arrangements of counters are "correct" according to the method described here. When students have a number displayed, ask how many empty squares there are - expect students to begin to state this number without counting, once they get used to visualizing the numbers on the manipulative. Link this to "ten take away ___" questions. Ask students to show "doubles" number facts on their manipulative, using two colors. Ask questions about the facts, such as "What is double 3?"; "What is half of 4?". Ask students to show a number on their ten frame, ask if it is closer to ten or to zero, as a prelude to rounding activities.

Extension: Double Ten Frames

The above understandings and activities can be extended into the next phase of number learning by adding another ten frame. Using a double manipulative, students can show all the tricky numbers between 10 and 20, providing excellent exposure to teen numbers. Place the manipulative so that the long edges are vertical, and fill the left-hand frame first, so that when writing the number represented, the student can see that the "1" lines up with the group of ten, and the extra ones line up with the corresponding digit.

A double ten frame allows students to practice all their number facts up to 20, including all addition and subtraction facts. Number fact families such as the "+ 9" facts can be learned easily with this manipulative, since it shows that adding 9 is the same as adding ten and removing one.

Next Article

The next article in this series is "Developing Numeracy With Manipulatives -- 0-99 Boards".

Developing Numeracy With Manipulatives - Ten Frames


Beer - The Top Manufacturers

You see beer commercials all over the place. You probably even have your favorite, especially if you're a chest pounding, sports watching brute of a he-man. The only thing you really care about is getting your hands on a nice cold brew. But did you ever sit down and wonder who the top beer manufacturers actually are? Of course not. That's why you're reading what's about to follow as we reveal the top beer manufacturers in the world today.

The top five beer manufacturers have quite a few surprises, especially for those of you who are glued to your TV and see nothing but ads for Bud, Bud Light, Miller Light, Molson, Schlitz and the whole cast of characters that follow one bad B-Movie after another.


Well, would it surprise you to know that the fifth largest beer manufacturer in the world is Inbev? Who? You heard right. This worldwide company comes in at number five. They own a ton of premium brands like Beck's. Ah, yes, now you know who they are. They also manufacture a few specialty brands like Belle-Vue. Okay, so maybe you're not so familiar with that one. This company sells most of their beer in America, Europe and Asia.

Coming in at number 4 on the hit parade of brews is Scottish & Newcastle. In case you're not familiar with them, they actually make a lot of other drinks besides beer, including water, cider and even soft drinks. Talk about diversifying. Their main markets are in the United Kingdom and Europe. They export their beer to over 60 countries. Their main base of operations is in Edinburgh.

The third largest beer manufacturer in the world is one you have probably heard of. The company is Heineken. This company is literally all over the place, operating in over 170 countries in Africa, Europe, North and South America, the Middle East and even Asia. What most people don't know is that Heineken also manufactures many soft drinks and other non alcoholic beverages. The company operates out of Amsterdam and employs more than 60,000 people.

Just missing the top spot is a company by the name of Asahi. Asahi is all over the world, literally. There is hardly a county in which they don't operate. Their main beer is Asahi Super Dry. You may not have heard of it but it's the number two seller behind the company we're about to reveal. This company also makes soft drinks and nutritional supplements. And if you think beer and Japan don't go together, then you better think again because that's just where the headquarters of this giant resides.

And finally, we get to the number 1 beer manufacturer in the world and this should come as no surprise to anyone who's ever walked into a bar or just watch a little TV. The Anheuser-Busch brewery is the number 1 beer making company, not only in the United States, but all over the world. It's Budweiser brands are known by all. Even though they operate mostly in the United States, they own 50% of Mexico's leading brewer and 27% of the top brewer in China. Yes, Anheuser-Busch, or Budweiser, really IS the king of beers.

Just like it says on the commercial.

Beer - The Top Manufacturers


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Operation Highjump - Longhaul Nazi UFO's in Antarctica

Operation Highjump was an United States Navy campaign conducted in Antarctica from 1946-47, it was the single greatest effort in the southern most continent to the present day. The mission was, and continues to be to this day, the largest Antarctic voyage ever undertaken. It was conducted by the Arctic discoverer Rear Admiral Richard Byrd, and concerned 13 vessels, 23 aircraft and along with a military force of 4,700 men. The believed mission was to photograph, chart and extensively explore the frozen continent of Antartica, prior to any other force doing so.

The mission was of a classified nature and was principally a military exercise with military personnel. However, it also involved scientific organizations comprising the US National IGY Committee and the respected National Program which was more immediately concerned with the mapping of Antarctica to record perspective US territorial claims. The original code name apportioned by the Navy to the Antarctic mission was Project Longhaul, expressive of the lengthy logistics channel amongst the United States and Antarctica although which was subsequently altered to the now recognized codename of Operation Highjump.


The mission objectives were for the dozen ships and several thousand men to navigate their way to the Antarctic edge to train workers and trial materials in the frozen regions and also to reinforce and develop American jurisdiction over the greatest workable region of the Antarctic continent. Furthermore, they were to determine the feasibleness of setting up and supplying bases in the Antarctic and to explore potential base sites coupled with a need to advance methods for founding and looking after air bases on the ice.

In spite of the fact that not expressly declared in the August 26, 1946 commands, a principal purpose of the project was the aerial mapping of as much of Antarctica as was possible, especially along the coastline. Conspiracy theorists specializing in supposed Aryan or Nazi occupations in Antarctica have extensively contemplated about this mission. Rumours started to spread that even though Germany had been overthrown, an assortment of military personell and scientists had escaped the native land as Allied troops passed across mainland Europe and instituted themselves at a base on Antarctica from where they continued to build progressive aircraft founded upon alledged extraterrestrial or alien technologies. This base was apparently positioned in Neuschwabenland, a region of Antarctica which Germany investigated, and claimed, ahead of the outbreak of WWII.

As inconceivable as it may appear, there is substantial supporting evidence for these claims about a German base in Antarctica. On the very eve of WWII, the Germans themselves had entered part of Antarctica and claimed it for the 3rd Reich. Historical events also provide us with further suggestions as to a German-Antarctica association, for it documents that Hans-Ulrich Rudel of the German Luftwaffe was being prepared by Hitler to be his heir apparent. It is recognized that Rudel made numerous trips to Tierra del Fuego at the edge of South America closest to Antarctica.

In reality, Germany had completed a extremely exhaustive study of Antarctic and were believed to have built a small secret base there prior to the War. The truth is that there was an abundance of evidence, at the time, to point to that as late as 1947, portions of the Kriegsmarine, or German Navy, were very much functioning in the South Atlantic, operating either out of South America, or some base previously unrecorded in the Antarctic. One piece of evidence identified was of a German U-boat halting an Icelandic whaler titled 'Juliana' in Antarctic waters, and demanding that its captain, known as Hekla, trade the U-boat crew provisions from her available stores.

Some theorists believe that the Germans were, in fact, developing UFO technology in underground ice caverns of which there is information to suggest that this may not actually be too much a leap of faith. One of a quantity of documented accounts of sightings of unidentified flying objects over Antarctica was by Rubens Junqueira Villela, a meteorologist whom was the principal Brazilian scientist to take part in an voyage to the South Polar area, and at the present time, a veteran of 11 expeditions to Antarctica. Whilst on board the US Navy iceboat Glacier, which had set sail commencing from New Zealand towards the end of January 1961, Villella states that he observed a UFO occurrence in the skies over Antarctica which he instantly noted in his journal, even details including the sentiments felt by all those involved.

It is no secret that the German Nazi movement held technology progressive enough to create a craft resembling a UFO in shape and size, there are many recorded accounts of sightings and pictures of these German UFO's. Even though, to say they held the agility and speed of a true UFO would be deceptive given, they could not remain airborne for any prolonged period and were known for their unpredictability in terms of navigation and general handling.

Operation Highjump has turned out to be a hot topic amid UFO conspiracy theorists over recent years, who claim it was a secret US military campaign to defeat and destroy supposed secret Nazi facilities in Antarctica and seize the German Vril flying discs, and the Thule mercury propelled spacecraft. An obscure Hitlerist narrative tells that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide in 1945, but however, escaped to Argentina, and then onto an SS base beneath the ice in New Swabia during the early fifties where he restarted his career as a painter. According to this description, Operation Highjump, the greatest journey undertaken to the Antarctic, is claimed to have been dispatched to obliterate the Nazi occupancy there.

The finest accomplishment however of Operation Highjump was its procurement of roughly 70,000 aerial photos of the coastline of Antarctica and chosen inshore regions. Initially prepared for an 8 month undertaking Operation Highjump abruptly returned to the United States just 16 weeks after exploring Antarctica, with no rationale ever provided for the hasty return. While there is, yet, no definitive proof of a German UFO base on Antarctica, It is beyond doubt that something extremely strange was occurring on, or nearby, the ice covered continent.

Operation Highjump - Longhaul Nazi UFO's in Antarctica


Disney Latino Juegos - Enjoy Disney Games In Spanish

Spanish speaking fans of the Disney Channel shows, movies, and characters no longer have to feel left out. the Spanish Disney Channel website, gives them a chance to play all the most popular Disney online games in their own language. The Latino Disney website is constantly growing in size as well as popularity and will soon have as many features as the regular Disney site.

Some of the games included on the pages include favorite movies of both yesterday and today. Play games with Cinderella, Jasmine, and the Disney Princesses. Other games feature heroes like Tarzan or Hercules. Famous Disney Channel stars like Hannah Montana and Zack and Cody can also be found on the site. All of the features and games on the site are solely in Spanish for those who speak this as their native language.


Other things you can find on the Disney Latino website besides games are informational pages about different Disney shows and movies. Find out all the historical facts about every classic movie that Disney has put out or learn about the cast of the newest shows that are featured on the Disney Channel this year. Everything you want to know about Disney animation, as well as the best Disney Latino games are right here waiting.

You can even plan a trip to Walt Disney World or Disneyland while surfing around the site; book a hotel and plan your flights from anywhere in the world. You can purchase tickets for the parks at a discounted rate from those that are found at the gate. You can even get a jump on your souvenir shopping on this wonderful website. All of this is in Spanish, thus making it even easier for you to understand exactly what you are booking or purchasing.

Disney Latino Juegos - Enjoy Disney Games In Spanish


Arts and Crafts Style Decorating

The terms Arts and Crafts and Mission Style are often used synonymously today. They refer to a style of home design and furnishings emphasizing natural materials, especially wood, and showcasing a pronounced geometry in the design. Their tremendous revival in popularity stems largely from their association with hand-crafted elements (though many knock offs are manufactured by machine), a rarity in this technologically advanced age. The pieces offer an heirloom quality and a patina that deepens with age. Arts and Crafts furnishings and interiors are also typically very durable and classic with a timeless appeal. They suit today's desire to simplify and get back to basics. Arts and Crafts interiors are an ideal marriage of function and aesthetic, spaces are designed to work for those living there. To create your own Arts and Crafts interior, there are several elements to consider, both in materials and design.

The materials of an Arts and Crafts interior, while not limited to nature, emphasize wood, stone, glass (made from sand), ceramic tiles (made from minerals/earth), and textiles (using wool, cotton, or linen fibers, and, of course, leather) Much of the visual pattern comes from the grain of the wood selected. Traditionally oak was used, but currently natural cherry is frequently enjoyed. The oak tends to have golden brown gleam, while the cherry is redder. Both darken naturally with age, this is to be expected.


Flooring, all architectural trim/molding, doors, stair rails and stiles, and exposed structural supports are all typically wood, oak most prevalent. Waxed or oil finishes prevail. Joints are pegged or hand-crafted metal hardware is used. Door knobs, cabinet pulls and the like are again hand-crafted wrought iron or bronze in black, umber, or verdigris. Many are square or rectangular shaped and are hand hammered. For a lighter look, some homeowners today are opting for a soft brushed pewter or nickel finish. Once you have the guidelines, you can bend them to suit. If an alternative to a wood floor is desired, tile or slate would be appropriate substitutes. The tile should be large and laid in a linear pattern, not on the diagonal.

To balance and complement the visual depth of the wood, walls are often treated with a textured paint, or plastered (the old bungalows have original plaster.) A good bet is the river rock finish that Ralph Lauren paint provides. Paint schemes bear an influence from nature with goldenrod yellows, burnt sienna browns, cimarron and Indian reds, sage and moss greens, and a neutral palette of earthy tans, toasts, and beiges. The overall feeling has a harmony, a continuity of all elements working together, none upstaging the other. It is about creating an organic home, one that works within its environment and makes the most of its surroundings both outside and inside.

Fireplaces have wood or stone mantels, with stone, ceramic, or occasionally brick surrounds. The wood is oak with a golden stain, usually waxed or rubbed, not polyurethane. Satin or matte finishes rule. Stone is field stone, stacked dry or with mortar, it presents a terrific textural visual. River rock may be used instead and the round smooth stones provide a counterpoint to the rectilinear geometry otherwise present. Ceramic tiles will typically have a motif from nature, perhaps a leaf or acorn, or have an iridescent finish. Today glass tiles are also used to great advantage. Brick, when employed, is smooth faced and laid in clean horizontal bands. Again, one of the clear features of an Arts and Crafts interior is the linear quality. The feeling that the house is part of a bigger view, part of the horizon, is all an effort to be from and of the earth.

Historically, many of the Arts and Crafts and Mission homes sported art glass windows, or at least many panes. This enabled windows to be left uncovered and still appear decorative. Today, art glass windows can be cost prohibitive except in select areas, so if treatment is desired for either privacy, light, or heat control, simpler is better. This translates to options such as a plain Roman shade, silhouettes, wood blinds, or panels on either tabs or rings, on a decorative rod (wood or wrought iron), with finials. If tiebacks are desired consider sisal tassels, simple and bold, or a band of the same fabric as the drapery. No trim or other decorative element is required. Fabric patterns may herald nature, such as a leaf print, or be based in geometry. There is a wide range on the market today including historical prints by William Morris and designs by Frank Lloyd Wright. The same may also be found in wall coverings, though use them sparingly, as they are often busy and distracting. Arts and Crafts and Mission styles today both represent a desire for a wholesome, hearty lifestyle, a return to yesterday's values.

Furnishings in the Arts and Crafts home are wood, occasionally with a wrought iron or ceramic tile accent. Glass is rarely used. Tables being functional as well as good looking, often have at least a drawer and a shelf for storage. Shapes are squares, rectangles and octagons, though today more rounds are available. Again the geometry created by edges is most apparent. Sofas and chairs are often wood backed with exposed wood arms and cushions that can be readily cleaned or changed out depending on the season. Flexibility and adaptability are prime features. Mission style goes a step further and often offers sofas or chairs with a deep wood shelf surround, acting as the arm and a table (Frank Lloyd Wright design), which gives the illusion of a built-in piece. Leather is frequently used or fabrics in natural fibers such as cotton, linen, or wool. Rich colors and geometric or patterns drawn from nature abound. The most significant interest comes from the combination of elements, again, no one piece dominating. Busy patterns are used sparingly, increasing longevity and flexibility of the furnishings. Resources for furnishings include Stickley, American Impressions by Ethan Allen, and Cotswald Furnishings, a superior resource for hand-crafted furnishings and more in Atlanta.

Lighting in an Arts and Crafts or Mission home is critical, especially with all the dark woods and depth of color schemes popular. While ceiling lights, including recessed can give a good general light, it is far more effective and pleasing to adopt a wealth of luminaries. Torchieres (floor lamps that give uplight, and are best placed in corners) can provide valuable general lighting, while table lamps and floor lamps provide invitation and welcome. Accent lighting can be done with mantel lamps, sconces, and dresser lamps. The two most common types of lamps are the mica and metal designs, the body of the lamp being hammered bronze or copper, the shade a sheet of mica; and the art glass lamps with wood or art glass bases and shades of glass in geometric patterns and a squared coolie shape. Other lighting options include a wealth of reproduction lighting through several lighting sources such as Arroyo Craftsmen, and Yamagiwa (available through designers; they also have an outstanding line of Frank Lloyd Wright designs.)

Accents, accessories, and artwork should be kept to a minimum to allow for a fuller appreciation of the architecture of the home and materials of nature showcased. This is a good chance to provide balance to the predominance of wood with elements in glass, ceramics, and metal. Both bowls and vessels are readily available in all materials mentioned here. Iridescent ware in both ceramics and glass provides an airy complement to the weight and depth of the wood.

© 2005 Melissa Galt

Arts and Crafts Style Decorating


Monday, December 19, 2011

Authorization Letters - How to Legally Authorize Something

Authorization Letters authorize someone to do tasks for you that normally require your presence to get them done. These tasks are more than picking up dry cleaning. They are used to authorize someone else to make important decisions for you. Take writing these letters very seriously. In order to have many important errands in life accomplished by others, a professional authorization must be written. Examples such as signing for important documents on a professional level or picking up children from day care on a personal level will definitely require these letters. Many establishments will have their own but some may ask that you draft one for them.



1. Our example above words this letter professionally ensuring that whoever the reader happens to be will understand that this is strictly business.

2. In our letter, after the opening paragraph and list of items, we've remarked that the named person can make decisions for us but we gave a contact number for us in the event unforeseen events arise.


1. Use the Full Block format arrangement for Authorization Letters:

a. to the left margin of the letter header place the return address

b. make two carriage returns

c. directly below the return address, place the date

d. make two carriage returns

e. directly below the date, place the reader's address

f. make three carriage returns

g. if necessary, include a reference line

h. begin your letter

i. begin each paragraph at the left margin

j. place the closing, signature and typed signature at the left margin.


1. Ensure your tone is professional and straightforward throughout the letter.


1. With time being as critical to everyone as it is, sending an Authorization Letter via email is now becoming increasingly more accepted.

a. Send your letter in the same format as you would for snail mail - this conveys to the reader that you took the time to create a professional correspondence.

b. Depending on the circumstances, send the message from the appropriate email account: personal email account for a personal correspondence, professional email account for professional correspondence.


1. Before printing, decide on what paper to use. For Authorization Letters, common bond paper will work.

2. Print your letter and envelope on the same printer using the same font and an envelope that matches the stationery.


1. Make three carriage returns between the closing and your typed signature. Inside this space, sign your name for professional correspondence. For personal correspondence, there is no need for a typed signature. Simply, sign your name.

For samples of Authorization Letters, take a look at...

Authorization Letters - How to Legally Authorize Something


Know About the Fishing Industry in Canada

Canada has one of the healthiest fishing industries in the world. Its freshwater fishing is thriving and has remained in a great state for many years. Whether it is commercial fishing and processing or recreational fishing, Canada has plenty to offer.

Canada's fishing resources and industry


Although Canada's fishing industry contributes much to its economy, it wasn't always so. Although efforts during the 1860s and onward were well-placed, results weren't always up to par. That is, until the fishing industry began to boom from the early 1900s to the present, overcoming economic hurdles such as the Depression. Using both technology and scientific research, fishing practices and production were greatly improved.

Canada has the longest coastline in the world and owns the largest economic zone offshore, equivalent to nearly 4 million sq. km. Its freshwater system is also the largest in the world, encompassing about 2 million rivers and lakes, totaling over 755,000 sq. km.

Currently, it is Manitoba's fishing industry that produces about 25% of the freshwater fish in Canada. There are about 13 species of fish that are being harvested commercially, including lake trout, northern pike, whitefish and yellow perch.

As proof of its efficiency, the fishing industry in Canada produced over 1 million tons of commercial fish in 2005, valued at about billion. Its aquaculture production in the same year yielded over 150,000 tons, valued at over 0 million.

Businesses belonging to Canada's fishing industry number about 11,000. It includes aquaculture, fish processing, ocean services, engineering and hydrography, among others. Coastal tourism is also a thriving industry. The coastal areas of Canada are home to about 7 million people engaged in tourism and fishing as a source of income. Currently, over 20,000 fishing vessels are registered and involved actively in the fishing industry.

Recreational fishing

Canada's robust fishing industry isn't limited to commercial ventures. There are about 3 million people who engage in recreational fishing in Canada, making the sport one of the country's national pastimes.


The fishing industry in Canada is managed and protected by the Department of Fisheries. It is responsible for the health, safety and productivity of Canada's water and aquatic resources. It is the government agency that sets and implements standards for the development and sustainability of Canada's fishing industry by providing facilities for safeguarding, conservation and research.

To protect its marine environment, Canada employs the Coast Guard which offers assistance to thousands of small commercial and recreational fishing vessels in case of emergencies. The Canadian Coast Guard is also responsible for educating boaters and fishermen about Boating Safety regulations. It also assists in hydrographic missions, scientific surveys, rescues and in the implementation of environmental pollution regulations.

Know About the Fishing Industry in Canada


Fun Facts About South America


Brazil has many famous actresses, some of them are: Gloria Pires, Fernanda Montenegro, Florionda Bolkan, Sonia Braga, Regina Duarte, Vera Fischer, Xuxa, and Bruna Lombardi.



Miss Universe pageant 1982 was held in Lima, Peru, where Karen Diane Baldwin of Canada won. The judges were: Cecely Tyson ( actress), Mario Vargas Llosa (writer), Ron Duguay (sportsman), Franco Nero (actor), Carole Bouquet (actress), Dong Kingman (painter), Ira von Furstenberg (princess), David Coperfield (illusionist), David Merrick (theatrical producer), and Gladys Zender (Miss Peru and Miss Universe 1957).


Quito, Ecuador´s capital, is a city which reflects beautiful colonial architecture. It is surrounded by big mountains.


"Evita" a film by British director Alan William Parker was inspired in the life of Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, who was first lady of Argentina in the past century.


Oswaldo Guayasamin was one of the best painters in South America.He was born on July 6, 1919, in Quito, Ecuador.


Colombia hosted the Pan American Games (1971).


Gabriel Jose Garcia Marquez is one of the best writers in South America. He was born on March 6, 1928, in Aracataca, Magdalena,Colombia.Gabriel Garcia Marquez won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982.


Rosalia Arteaga Serrano de Fernandez de Cordova had an ephemeral government. She became Ecuador´s first female head of state for only two days in 1997.


Brazil has had many famous athletes in the 20th century: Joao Carlos de Oliveira (track and field), Ana Mozer (volleyball), Edson Arantes do Nacimento (soccer), Djan Madruga (swimming), Maria Esther Bueno (tennis), Marcelo Ferreira (sailing), Hortencia Marcari Oliva (basketball),Gustavo Borges (swimming), Robson Caetano da Silva(track and field), Adhemar Ferreira (track and field), Marcia Fu Cunha (volleyball), Oscar Schmidt (basketball), Marcelo Negrao (volleyball), Joaquin Cruz (track and field), and Rogerio Sampaio (judo).


UNESCO has declared Noel Kempff Mercado National Park (Bolivia), Rapa Nui National Park (Chile), Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary (Colombia), Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), Central Suriname Nature Reserve (Suriname) and Jesuit Missions of La Santisima Trinidad de Parana and Jesus de Tavarange (Paraguay) World Heritages Sites.


The Colombian people have two idols: Shakira (singer) and Carlos Vives (singer)...

Fun Facts About South America


Southwest Airlines Operations - A Strategic Perspective


Southwest Airlines is the largest airline measured by number of passengers carried each year within the United States. It is also known as a ‘discount airline’ compared with its large rivals in the industry. Rollin King and Herb Kelleher founded Southwest Airlines on June 18, 1971. Its first flights were from Love Field in Dallas to Houston and San Antonio, short hops with no-frills service and a simple fare structure. The airline began with one simple strategy: “If you get your passengers to their destinations when they want to get there, on time, at the lowest possible fares, and make darn sure they have a good time doing it, people will fly your airline.” This approach has been the key to Southwest’s success. Currently, Southwest serves about 60 cities (in 31 states) with 71 million total passengers carried (in 2004) and with a total operating revenue of .5 billion. Southwest is traded publicly under the symbol “LUV” on NYSE.



* The first major airline to fly a single type of aircraft (Boeing 737s)

* The first major airline to offer ticketless travel system wide including a frequent flier program based on number of trips and not number of miles flown.

* The first airline to offer a profit-sharing program to its Employees (instituted in 1973).

* The first major airline to develop a Web site and offer online booking. In 2001, about 40 percent (.1 billion) of its passenger revenue was generated through online bookings at []. Southwest's cost per booking via the Internet is about , compared to a cost per booking through travel agents of to .

Key competitive advantages:

* Low Operational costs / High Operational Efficiency

* Award winning customer service

* Human Resource practices / Work culture

Operations Analysis – Competitive Dimensions:

Southwest clearly has a distinct advantage compared to other airlines in the industry by executing an effective and efficient operations strategy that forms an important pillar of its overall corporate strategy. Given below are some competitive dimensions that will be studied in this paper.

1. Operational Costs and Efficiency

2. Customer Service

3. Employee/Labor Relations

4. Technology

1. Operational Costs and Efficiency

After all, the airline industry overall is in shambles. But, how does Southwest Airlines stay profitable? Southwest Airlines has the lowest costs and strongest balance sheet in its industry, according to its chairman Kelleher. The two biggest operating costs for any airline are – labor costs (approx 40%) followed by fuel costs (approx 18%). Some other ways that Southwest is able to keep their operational costs low is - flying point-to-point routes, choosing secondary (smaller) airports, carrying consistent aircrafts, maintaining high aircraft utilization, encouraging e-ticketing etc.

Labor Costs

The labor costs for Southwest typically accounts for about 37% of its operating costs. Perhaps the most critical element of the successful low-fare airline business model is achieving significantly higher labor productivity. According to a recent HBS Case Study, southwest airlines is the “most heavily unionized” US airline (about 81% of its employees belong to an union) and its salary rates are considered to be at or above average compared to the US airline industry. The low-fare carrier labor advantage is in much more flexible work rules that allow cross-utilization of virtually all employees (except where disallowed by licensing and safety standards). Such cross-utilization and a long-standing culture of cooperation among labor groups translate into lower unit labor costs. At Southwest in 4th quarter 2000, total labor expense per available seat mile (ASM) was more than 25% below that of United and American, and 58% less than US Airways.

Carriers like Southwest have a tremendous cost advantage over network airlines simply because their workforce generates more output per employee. In a study in 2001, the productivity of Southwest employees was over 45% higher than at American and United, despite the substantially longer flight lengths and larger average aircraft size of these network carriers. Therefore by its relentless pursuit for lowest labor costs, Southwest is able to positively impact its bottom line revenues.

Fuel Costs

Fuel costs is the second-largest expense for airlines after labor and accounts for about 18 percent of the carrier's operating costs. Airlines that want to prevent huge swings in operating expenses and bottom line profitability choose to hedge fuel prices. If airlines can control the cost of fuel, they can more accurately estimate budgets and forecast earnings. With growing competition and air travel becoming a commodity business, being competitive on price was key to any airline’s survival and success. It became hard to pass higher fuel costs on to passengers by raising ticket prices due to the highly competitive nature of the industry.

Southwest has been able to successfully implement its fuel hedging strategy to save on fuel expenses in a big way and has the largest hedging position among other carriers. In the second quarter of 2005, Southwest’s unit costs fell by 3.5% despite a 25% increase in jet fuel costs. During Fiscal year 2003, Southwest had much lower fuel expense (0.012 per ASM) compared to the other airlines with the exception of JetBlue as illustrated in exhibit 1 below. In 2005, 85 per cent of the airline’s fuel needs has been hedged at per barrel. World oil prices in August 2005 reached per barrel. In the second quarter of 2005 alone, Southwest achieved fuel savings of 6 million. The state of the industry also suggests that airlines that are hedged have a competitive advantage over the non-hedging airlines. Southwest announced in 2003 that it would add performance-enhancing Blended Winglets to its current and future fleet of Boeing 737-700’s. The visually distinctive Winglets will improve performance by extending the airplane’s range, saving fuel, lowering engine maintenance costs, and reducing takeoff noise.

Point-to-Point Service

Southwest operates its flight point-to-point service to maximize its operational efficiency and stay cost-effective. Most of its flights are short hauls averaging about 590 miles. It uses the strategy to keep its flights in the air more often and therefore achieve better capacity utilization.

Secondary Airports

Southwest flies to secondary/smaller airports in an effort to reduce travel delays and therefore provide excellent service to its customers. It has led the industry in on-time performance. Southwest has also been able to trim down its airport operations costs relatively better than its rival airlines.

Consistent aircrafts

At the heart of Southwest's success is its single aircraft strategy: Its fleet consists exclusively of Boeing 737 jets. Having common fleet significantly simplifies scheduling, operations and flight maintenance. The training costs for pilots, ground crew and mechanics are lower, because there's only a single aircraft to learn. Purchasing, provisioning, and other operations are also vastly simplified, thereby lowering costs. Consistent aircrafts also enables Southwest to utilize its pilot crew more efficiently.


The idea of ticketless travel was a major advantage to Southwest because it could lower its distribution costs. Southwest became electronic or ticketless back in the mid-1990s, and today they are about 90-95% ticketless. Customers who use credit cards are eligible for online transactions, and today bookings account for about 65% of total revenue. The CEO Gary Kelly thinks that this idea would grow further and that he wouldn't be surprised if e-ticketing accounted for 75% of Southwest’s revenues by end of 2005. In the past, when there was a 10% travel agency commission paid, it used to cost about a booking. But currently, Southwest is paying between 50 cents and per booking for electronic transactions that translate to huge cost savings.

2. Employee and Labor Relations

Southwest has been highly regarded for its innovative management style. It maintains a relentless focus on high-performance relationships and its people-management practices have been the key to its unparalleled success in the airline industry.

Mission Statement

To Our Employees
“We are committed to provide our Employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. Creativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness of Southwest Airlines. Above all, Employees will be provided the same concern, respect, and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every Southwest Customer.”

The Southwest mission statement shows that the company has a strong commitment to its employees. The company affords the same respect to its employees that is provided to its customers. The Southwest mission statement is unique in that it recognizes the importance of its employees within the broader business strategy, which emphasizes superb customer service and operational efficiency. The employees reciprocate the respect, loyalty and trust that Southwest demonstrates. Southwest employees are known for their loyalty, dedication, attitude and innovation. The employees are the distinguishing factor between Southwest and the rest of the airline industry.


Southwest hiring policy is unique not only within the airline industry, but also more broadly, and revolves around finding people with the right attitude that will thrive in the Southwest culture. Extensive procedures are employed to hire for positive attitude and dedication. Those who do not posses those qualities are weeded out. Colleen Barrett, a non-operational officer at Southwest, states that

“Hiring is critical, because you cannot institutionalize behavior. Instead, you must identify those people who already practice the behaviors you are looking for. Then you can allow Employees to be themselves and make decisions about Customer service based on common sense and their natural inclinations.” 1

Recruiting and interviewing at Southwest is a two-step process. The first step is a group interview, conducted by employees, where communication skills of potential candidates are evaluated. The next steps in this process are one on one interview, where the candidates' attitudes and orientation toward serving others are evaluated. These hiring criteria apply to all job functions since all Employees at Southwest play a customer service role. A critical part of Southwest operational strategy is that every job at Southwest is a customer service position, whether it directly applies to the customer or whether it is internal.

The table below shows that even though Southwest is the most heavily unionized airline, at approximately 80%, that contract negotiations between the unions and Southwest are much shorter in duration than of the other major carriers. This shows the quality of relationship that Southwest has with its employees and with the unions that represent them.


Southwest was created as a different kind of company and from its beginnings a unique culture was nurtured. In 1990 Colleen Barrett formed the Southwest Culture Committee. This is unique within the industry and among all large companies. The committee also has a mission statement:

“This group's goal is to help create the Southwest spirit and culture where needed; to enrich it and make it better where it already exists; and to liven it up in places where it might be "floundering". In short, this group's goal is to do "whatever it takes" to create, enhance, and enrich the special Southwest spirit and culture that has made this such a wonderful Company/Family.”

It is this unique approach to company values that has created a culture that differentiates itself from others. Southwest’s culture is the reason why it is successful.

3. Customer Service

The Mission of Southwest Airlines
The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit.


Herb Kelleher, founder of Southwest, has been quoted as saying that "We're in the Customer service business; we just happen to provide airline transportation".2 Award winning customer service is a distinguishing characteristic of Southwest and it is referred to internally as “Positively Outrageous Service”. It means that from the top to bottom everyone does whatever he or she can to satisfy the customer. This includes Herb Kelleher, who has been known for helping out baggage handlers on Thanksgiving. It is through emphasizing the customer and employee that Southwest is able to differentiate itself from others in the airline industry. On a more technical level, each employee or group within Southwest has his or her own customer. This means that every employee ‘serves’ in one way or another despite not being directly involved with the passenger. The mechanic’s customer is the pilot and the caterer’s is the flight attendant.


It can be said that the "Positively Outrageous Service" that is unique to Southwest “is not the result of a department, or a program, or a mandate from management. It is not secondary to the product; it is the product.” This approach creates the conditions where Employees are more likely to treat customers in ways that distinguish the company from others. There are numerous accounts of passengers who have received exceptional treatment from Southwest employees.

The question that needs to be answered is how Southwest’s customer service is different and why? Is it common for customers of other airlines to rave about their special service? The answer is that it is not. While Southwest does not have a monopoly on people who are kind and who are willing to go above and beyond to satisfy a customer, such behavior is nurtured at Southwest to a much greater extent.

It can then be concluded that the customer service that is inherent to Southwest is a part of its culture. This culture is supported through employee encouragement to do the extra to satisfy the customer. This approach inspires people who would ordinarily only on occasion go out of their way to help someone, to become consistent performers that offer exceptional service all the time. Southwest employees are what differentiate its customer service from the other airlines.

4. Technology

Southwest utilizes technology in many ways to fulfill its business objectives and maintain its efficient operations. According to its CEO, technology equals productivity. Launched in 1996, ticketless travel was first introduced by Southwest. On May 1st 2000, Southwest Airlines introduces "SWABIZ," a portal that assists company travel managers in booking and tracking trips made through its web site []. There are many new technology initiatives being undertaken currently and some are in the pipeline.

Bar codes in Boarding Passes

Southwest Airlines has invested million during the past three years to standardize corporate and terminal operations on about 10,000 Dell OptiPlex desktop and Latitude notebook computers according to its company executives. Southwest wanted to replace its well known, brightly colored plastic boarding passes with an electronic system with bar-code paper boarding passes. So it installed about 350 touch screen ticket readers powered by Dell OptiPlex desktops. The bar code gives Southwest more information to automatically reconcile the number of boarding passes with the number of passengers that actually board the plane.

Although the technology will help Southwest Airlines remain efficient by consolidating passenger information for the company's 3,000 daily flights, there were concerns it could lengthen the time to get travelers on board. However it was found that scanning each bar code on the boarding passes didn't increase or shorten boarding schedules, but it did take minutes from administrative processes, such as looking up customer records. The new paper bar code system is giving Southwest ticket agents the ability to match a customer record within having to scroll through and log into multiple software screens. The process is much more automated. Once the bar code on the boarding pass is scanned at the terminal gate it checks off the person from the passenger list in real time.

The old process was manual that involved finding the information, scrolling through several software screens from reservations to check-in to boarding. The bar code hardware to scan the boarding passes has been deployed. The company is in the process of replacing customer service back-office equipment at airports including at its headquarters in Dallas.

Software Upgrades

Software applications, such as those used by clerks to check in passengers, are being replaced. Southwest Airlines' internally written "Airport Application Suite" is expected to rollout next year as the company transitions from green screens to Window-based user interface. Similar to Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Southwest Airlines believes in developing in-house the software that runs its operations. The company uses very little off-the-shelf software. There are between 75 and 100 projects in the works each year supported by approximately 900 IT employees.


Radio frequency identification technology, a favorable alternative to bar-coding for luggage identification, is also on Southwest's radar. It plans to test RFID technology sometime in 2006. Even though, Southwest is playing a little catch-up with other airlines such as Air Tran, Alaska and Champion Airlines, in many cases they are able leapfrog to more sophisticated applications easily having waited longer.


Southwest has emerged very successful, despite the most troubled times in the airline market. However, it faces new challenges in the face of increasing competition from other low fare airlines such as JetBlue, ATA airlines, America West.

Reserved Seating

Due to increasing security guidelines since September 2001, Southwest would need to prepare for assigned (reserved) seating to track its in-flight passengers. This change will involve large technology investments and may impact its gate operations negatively since the current way of unassigned seating has helped in quick gate turnarounds.

Passenger Demand

The keep-it-simple philosophy has served Southwest well. But as its own business grows and grows more complex, with plans to purchase dozens of new aircraft and an expected upsurge in passenger traffic to about 80 million boarding’s a year, the simplicity strategy that has been reflected in the airline's IT philosophy is evolving. The CIO Tom Nealon says that "It's time to adapt our business processes for efficiency. As our airline scales for us to provide the same kind of high-touch customer service, we have to automate a lot of things we've been able to do without technology previously. The challenge is doing that without conceding the customer touch." Southwest is also aggressively pursuing customer relationship management (CRM) techniques and has applications to get insight into customer’s wants and dislikes. According to an interview with its CEO Gary Keller, Southwest has its focus on improving in two areas - customer’s airport experience and in-flight experience.

In-Flight Entertainment

In an overall effort to improve customer’s in-flight experience, in-flight entertainment is something that Southwest is currently evaluating and which JetBlue has been very successful at already because of its introduction in its long-haul flights. In comparison, Southwest has 415 airplanes to consider and that represents an investment decision at a whole new dimension. Additionally, Southwest has to consider how things may fit into their environment. At this point, 60% of its service is still very short haul. Southwest needs to be mindful of the fact that a certain approach that has been successful for its competitor may not be necessarily work to its advantage.


Southwest has long been regarded as a benchmark in its industry for operational excellence. Southwest Airlines is a fine example of a company that is committed to its core competencies - efficient operations to drive its low cost structure, outstanding delivery of customer service and innovative HR management practices. We hope this paper provided a good insight into Southwest operations, as part of its overall strategy, to achieve success and gain competitive advantage.


1. [] (Southwest airlines official web site)

2. “Southwest keeps it simple” - Air Transport World, April 2005, Pg 36

3. “Around the World on (or So): How High Can Discount Airlines Fly?“ Strategy Management - Knowledge@ Wharton Newsletter Oct 5, 2005

4. TechWeb - []

5. “Southwest's Strategy for Success: Consolidate!” - Oracle Magazine (Sept/Oct 2004 edition)

6. “Southwest Airlines: High Tech, Low Costs” -, April 2005

7. “Jet Fuel Hedging Strategies: Options Available for Airlines and a Survey of Industry Practices” – Kellogg School of Management Research Paper, Spring 2004

8. Winning Behavior: What the Smartest, Most Successful Companies Do Differently, Terry R. Bacon and David G. Pugh, 2003

9. Time Magazine, Oct 28th 2002 issue, Vol. 160 Issue 18, p. 45

10. “Wings Of Change”,Information Week, March 28, 2005,

11. Labor Contract Negotiations in the Airline Industry, Monthly Labor Review, July 2003, page 24

Southwest Airlines Operations - A Strategic Perspective


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Facts About the Mandingo Tribe of West Africa

The Mandingo tribe of West Africa has descended from the Mali Empire. This empire flourished under the rule of King Sundiata Keita. Today, the Mandingo tribe is not only the most widespread tribe in Western Africa, it also the most dominant ethno linguistic group. The tribe has many sub tribes like the Mande, Dyula, Bozo and Bambara.

According to historians, the tribe migrated into the heart of West Africa from the western side of Niger River. They were the original settlers of the city of Djenne-Jeno. This migration took place because the tribe wanted more fertile agricultural land and also wanted to expand its territory. The ancient Mandingo tribe found the army of Kingdom of Fouta Djallon to stake claim to the land. On settling down, nearly half of the tribe members converted to Islam. They showed no resistance to giving up their beliefs and embracing Islam.


The tribe lived in peace and harmony until slavery started. The westerners who came to West Africa were looking for people who were subservient and this quality was seen in the members of Mandingo tribe. From the start of the 16th century till the 18th century, Mandingo tribe was taken as slaves to many other countries and continents, including New World. This would explain why today the US has a sizable Mandingo tribe population.

In modern times, the tribe is concentrated in West Africa, in countries like Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, Guinea-Bissau and Mauritania. The tribe is still very family centric and wants to self-rule themselves and have autonomy. They are still involved in agriculture and grow rice, groundnut and millet, crops that are traded.

However, the tribe members are also into other professions like driving, carpentry, blacksmithing, tailoring and butchering. The society is patriarchal in nature with an elder being the chieftain of the tribe. Mandingo women are usually homemakers and do not contribute to the family income.

Facts About the Mandingo Tribe of West Africa


Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions

Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. That sounds simple, but diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more.

Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves, but how they perceive others. Those perceptions affect their interactions. For a wide assortment of employees to function effectively as an organization, human resource professionals need to deal effectively with issues such as communication, adaptability and change. Diversity will increase significantly in the coming years. Successful organizations recognize the need for immediate action and are ready and willing to spend resources on managing diversity in the workplace now.


Benefits of Workplace Diversity

An organization's success and competitiveness depends upon its ability to embrace diversity and realize the benefits. When organizations actively assess their handling of workplace diversity issues, develop and implement diversity plans, multiple benefits are reported such as:

Increased adaptability

Organizations employing a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources. Employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer demands.

Broader service range

A diverse collection of skills and experiences (e.g. languages, cultural understanding) allows a company to provide service to customers on a global basis.

Variety of viewpoints

A diverse workforce that feels comfortable communicating varying points of view provides a larger pool of ideas and experiences. The organization can draw from that pool to meet business strategy needs and the needs of customers more effectively.

More effective execution

Companies that encourage diversity in the workplace inspire all of their employees to perform to their highest ability. Company-wide strategies can then be executed; resulting in higher productivity, profit, and return on investment.

Challenges of Diversity in the Workplace

Taking full advantage of the benefits of diversity in the workplace is not without its challenges. Some of those challenges are:

Communication - Perceptual, cultural and language barriers need to be overcome for diversity programs to succeed. Ineffective communication of key objectives results in confusion, lack of teamwork, and low morale.

Resistance to change - There are always employees who will refuse to accept the fact that the social and cultural makeup of their workplace is changing. The "we've always done it this way" mentality silences new ideas and inhibits progress.

Implementation of diversity in the workplace policies - This can be the overriding challenge to all diversity advocates. Armed with the results of employee assessments and research data, they must build and implement a customized strategy to maximize the effects of diversity in the workplace for their particular organization.

Successful Management of Diversity in the Workplace - Diversity training alone is not sufficient for your organization's diversity management plan. A strategy must be created and implemented to create a culture of diversity that permeates every department and function of the organization.

Recommended steps that have been proven successful in world-class organizations are:

Assessment of diversity in the workplace - Top companies make assessing and evaluating their diversity process an integral part of their management system. A customizable employee satisfaction survey can accomplish this assessment for your company efficiently and conveniently. It can help your management team determine which challenges and obstacles to diversity are present in your workplace and which policies need to be added or eliminated. Reassessment can then determine the success of you diversity in the workplace plan implementation.

Development of diversity in the workplace plan - Choosing a survey provider that provides comprehensive reporting is a key decision. That report will be the beginning structure of your diversity in the workplace plan. The plan must be comprehensive, attainable and measurable. An organization must decide what changes need to be made and a timeline for that change to be attained.

Implementation of diversity in the workplace plan - The personal commitment of executive and managerial teams is a must. Leaders and managers within organizations must incorporate diversity policies into every aspect of the organization's function and purpose. Attitudes toward diversity originate at the top and filter downward. Management cooperation and participation is required to create a culture conducive to the success of your organization's plan.

Recommended diversity in the workplace solutions include:

Ward off change resistance with inclusion. - Involve every employee possible in formulating and executing diversity initiatives in your workplace.

Foster an attitude of openness in your organization. - Encourage employees to express their ideas and opinions and attribute a sense of equal value to all.

Promote diversity in leadership positions. - This practice provides visibility and realizes the benefits of diversity in the workplace.

Utilize diversity training. - Use it as a tool to shape your diversity policy.

Launch a customizable employee satisfaction survey that provides comprehensive reporting. - Use the results to build and implement successful diversity in the workplace policies.

As the economy becomes increasingly global, our workforce becomes increasingly diverse. Organizational success and competitiveness will depend on the ability to manage diversity in the workplace effectively. Evaluate your organization's diversity policies and plan for the future, starting today.

This article may be reproduced provided it is published in its entirety, includes the author bio information, and all links remain active.

Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions


Father and Daughter Connection

I was in my early 20's when I read an article on Father-Daughter connection that made me shiver in tears. It was an article that spoke so deep in my soul. It made me understand a lot of things about myself but at the same time it made me so mad at my dad for not fulfilling his role as a father to me. That article opened my eyes but didn't heal me. It was an article that was not founded on the Word of God. Everything about it was true but it had no power to heal and deliver.

Today, 20 years after I read that article, I want to share with you my own version of the Father-Daughter connection based from what I've experienced, the process I've gone through, and what I am still going through. This version is also founded on the Word of God, making it more stable and reliable.


I encourage you also to share this with your fathers, husbands, brothers, and every man you know.

It was around 3 in the morning and I was still up doing my schoolwork. I got thirsty and decided to walk to the kitchen. My dad was packing his suitcase as he was leaving for Europe. He didn't know I was still awake. As I walked through the hallway, I saw my Dad walking towards my direction. He was surprised to see me still awake and I don't know for what reason... maybe he was saying goodbye to me or maybe I just caught him by surprise... but he hugged me. I hugged him back and when I realized we were hugging, I immediately let go and walked away. I went back to my room and started crying. It was tears of joy and sadness at the same time. I ached in my heart wanting more of my dad's hug but at the same time wondering why he never hugged me until that time. I hated the uncomfortable feeling I had from that hug. It was almost too good to be true.

My dad has always been very loving to my mom and sister but not to me. I've always known that he loves me. I am his first girl... his first child for that matter. I am almost a replica of him. Amongst all of his five children, I am the one who got most of his good genes. My passion for writing, speaking, and teaching, are all traces of my dad in me. Even his friends used to tell me, "You are really your father's girl". Yet, there was something about my dad that made him so uncomfortable expressing his love to me. As a result, I grew up so hungry for his love. This hunger for love led me to compromising situations with men.

A father is the first man in every girl's life. Her relationship with him determines the kind of relationships she will have in the future. Everything she sees in her father is an example that he sets for her. If he is loving and nice to her mom, then the daughter grows up believing that this is the way her future husband should be to her.

The love that I witnessed between my dad and mom made me desire for a marriage like theirs as early as my childhood years. However, my hunger for my dad's love screwed up everything. It distorted my entire concept of love. Since I wanted love and attention so bad, I thought that every guy who told me he loved me was sincere. Little did I know that it was only their way of getting what they wanted from me. I will never forget that night when I was sexually molested by a guy friend who my parents trusted. I was 12 years old and I was just so nave and trusting. I remember asking him, "Do you love me?", and he said, "I love my dad, mom, and brothers". All I wanted to hear from him was that he loved me and that would have made me understood why he did what he did to me.

That incident worsened my already "starting to get distorted" concept of love. It also opened doors for more promiscuity and of course inflicted more wounds upon me. Years later, when the wounds were already so deep, I realized that had my dad established a loving relationship with me, none of that would have happened. I then built up more resentment against him.

Every father should be his daughter's first date. He should show her how to be treated with respect. He should explain to her how valuable she is and that she has to be valued by every man who wants to even be near her. This can only be possible if the father has built a loving relationship with his daughter. A father can't just walk into this daughter's life after years of not even being close to her. The relationship has to start from infancy, or at least, the formative years.

Whether you are a father, a daughter, or a mother, I know that this article is speaking to you right now. Perhaps as a father you're thinking, 'but what can I do? I've never built a relationship with my daughter". Or as a daughter, you're saying, "It's too late, my dad has never been there for me". Or as a mother, you're thinking, "I screwed up. My daughter doesn't even know who her dad is".

Let me tell you something. Our earthly fathers may have failed us. You as an earthly father may have failed your daughter(s). Yet, there is a FATHER in heaven who said that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). He loves us and only wants the best for us. He said, For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.

Our FATHER in heaven is our great Healer and Restorer. He will give us back what the devil has stolen from us.

Do you realize that the devil is responsible for our hurts towards our dads? He wants to break our relationships with our dads so that our entire concept of a father will be distorted... simply because he wants to destroy our relationship with our Father in heaven.

It took a while before I was able to relate to God, my Father. I never had a problem relating with Jesus as my brother... but as a Father, it was not easy. However, as I got to know Him more, through His Word, I started drawing closer and closer to Him. This closeness to my real Father is the reason why I was healed from my hurts and resentment towards my earthly father.

If you are a father, the only way you can even be the dad that God wants you to be is through JESUS. It is also through Him that you can restore your broken relationship with your daughter. If you are a single mom, the only way you can help your daughter have the real Father figure is through JESUS. And if you are a daughter, the only way you can experience the love of a Father is through JESUS.

Below is a poem I wrote for my dad in 2007. It surely shows how much God has healed me.

My Love For You

I have always craved for your attention,
"Dad" was the name I loved to mention;
I have always ached for your love,
You were the one that stood high above.

Even as a child, I have always admired you,
Being with you was something I looked forward to;
My eyes looked at you with so much pride,
Your words and ways became my guide.

One incident that I will always remember,
Was our constant trip to the chapel together;
It became a daily routine for me,
Opening my eyes, making me see.

As I transformed from a girl into a young woman,
My heart never left you dad, my first man;
Though I was rebellious in my ways,
I always looked back at those good old days.

When I got older and had the chance to work with you,
My respect and esteem for you grew;
I saw a side of you I've never known,
And all the more to you I was drawn.

While I was going through the pain of a failed marriage,
It was your love for mom that gave me the courage;
You became the role model that I wanted to follow,
Anything outside of that, I just couldn't swallow.

All these years I have wanted to be close to you,
And express to you all these feelings that are long overdue;
But the walls between us have grown in width and height,
Blocking and stopping me with all its might.

Finally, our God came to the rescue.
He fixed, repaired, restored, and made new.
No wall was too high or wide for Him,
Nothing was difficult as it seemed.

It was the love of Jesus that connected us.
It was His love that made healing come to pass.
It was His love that broke all walls.
It was His love that pacified our souls.

As a proof of this great love of God,
A special gift on my birthday I've had;
You, dad, said the words "I love you" to me,
It was the best present there could ever be.

I want you to know how much I love you,
And how this love is more real now than it used to;
My long search is finally over,
In my heart you will reign forever.

Father and Daughter Connection


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Does He Like Me? How To Tell If A Guy Is Attracted To You

"Does he like me? I really want to know!" there's this guy...


He's perfect. It seems like he might, but you are dying to know, "Does he like me?" So many people get lost on the very first step of dating. You both think the other is into you, but sometimes it's hard to tell. He sends so many confusing and conflicting messages, you don't know what to do.

You think he's great. You like the way he makes you feel (sometimes!). He's even in your dreams, but you're afraid of embarrassing yourself by pursuing that guy because he's so hard to figure out.

Chances are, if you're this confused, he really is attracted to you. The whole "dating ritual between man and women is full of confusing undertones and bizarre rituals that neither one of you are even aware you are doing. So many loves get lost in the confusion...

The key is to take charge and figure this out so you can stop torturing yourself and get on with the smooching.

Some guys are just incurable flirts. He'll chat up any girl he sees. Most guys only flirt with the one they are interested in. Pay attention to how he acts around other women. Does he say the same things to them as he does to you? Does he have the same kind of nervous shyness around them too? If not, you can bet he's attracted to you.

Men change around someone they like. Think of gorillas thumping their chest to impress a hot lady gorilla. Does he try to show off around you? Does he do weird things around you that he doesn't do around other girls? On the "Does He Like Me Scale" this is as close to a ten as you can get.

Compliments are obvious signs of attraction, but being mean?!! How does being mean show that he's attracted to you? It seems impossible, but watch any TV show about the mating rituals of mammals and you'll often see the male being a jerk to the female. It's a very primal instinct that men have.

Does he insult you, but then always try to be around you? Is it obvious that he's interested in you, but then he says something mean to you? You can guarantee that most guys don't even realize they do this. But think about what this accomplishes in your mind: you can't stop thinking about him! You spend your days adding up all the nice things he does and then you're stuck analyzing the mean things.

Mission accomplished! He has you confused and crazy. Does He Like Me Scale: 7.5

You avoid people that you don't like. You hang out with your friends. You go out of your way to spend time with people you're attracted to. Same goes with the fellas. If he always seems to be around wherever you are, you can bet he likes you. If it seems like a big inconvenience for him to always "swing by," it's a great sign he's attracted to you.

We gravitate towards people we are interested in. Does he get a little too far into your personal space? Is he always leaning towards you? Does he touch you? Not that kind of touch! Does he bump into you or touch your back or arm when he sees you? This includes the mean touch like playfully trying to trip you or pushing you away.

Think about this: when someone pushes you, it's usually in anger. If he's not angry then he's obviously doing it for some other reason.

Men are not the masters of body language that women are. They aren't very subtle. Any time he touches you are takes a "forward posture" is a great sign of attraction.

This can go in one of two possible directions. If he's shy he might avoid eye contact at all costs if he really likes you. If he's not shy, he will do his best to catch your eye. Try to get the shy guy to look you in the eyes. He'll give away his feelings for you faster than anything. If he's not the shy type, stare him down. Sometimes it's those small awkward moments that send you both into each other's arms.

Try leaning towards him during one of these stare downs. If he leans in with you, you're in. Go for the kiss if you're really feeling it! Which brings us to...

When we develop a closeness to someone, we unconsciously start to "mirror" their actions. As you talk to him, touch your ear (or hair or some part of your body) and if he repeats this action within a few minutes, he's showing his interest in you. It could be as simple as him always taking a drink soon after you do.

So he's doing most if not all of the signs of attraction and the readings on the Does He Like Me Scale are through the roof. How do you get him to make the first move? The answer is that he NEVER makes the first move. Sure, he might one day come up to you and ask you out, but you made all the little first moves up until that point.

Show interest in him. Ask him questions about his interests. Touch him back. Compliment him for something and yes, be mean back to him! If all else fails to bring that boy to action, you have to come right out and call him on it:

"I think it's weird that you haven't asked me out on a date."

Whoa girl! No one has ever said that to him before! Even if he was on the fence about you, now he's impressed. Not only that, you're not really putting yourself that far out there for embarrassment. Even if he counters with, "Because I don't wanna," you can answer with "Hmmm, interesting." And he's still in the hot seat!

If you make enough "observations" even the shyest guys will break down and ask you out. You no longer have to worry, "Does he like me?" and get on with what you've wanted all along: an awesome relationship.

Does He Like Me? How To Tell If A Guy Is Attracted To You


Tips for Managing Your Small Non-Profit Organization

Many people are involved with helping small, non-profit organizations, in a variety of roles. Organizations range from semi-organized children's sports teams, to local chapters of professional societies, to well-established charitable service providers. The range of organization and management varies as well, from seat-of-the-pants, one or two people overwhelmed from doing the bulk of the work, to professionally managed with paid staff, and everything in between. Here are some tips to help you and your organization become more effective and successful.

Defining Non-profit


Many people are confused about the concept of a non-profit organization. The terms Non-profit, Not-for-Profit, or Tax-exempt, all mean the same thing and is simply a special type of business entity. An organization that is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a non-profit, or tax-exempt, business is treated differently than a regular for-profit business for tax purposes. Meaning a non-profit generally doesn't pay taxes. Some of the tax issues can be complex, so if you have any questions or doubts, contact an accounting professional familiar with non-profit tax issues. Generally, though, if you are a small organization, have received your non-profit status from the IRS (you have to apply for it), and adhere to your defined mission, you're fine.

The most important thing to remember is that non-profit does not mean for-loss. You still have to make money. The only real difference between a non-profit and a for-profit business is where any extra money goes. For any organization to remain viable, you have to have more money coming in than you have going out. What happens to that excess between what comes in and what goes out is what makes the difference between a non-profit and a for-profit business. In a non-profit, the excess stays in the organization to help it achieve its mission. In a for-profit business, the excess (the profit) is distributed to the owners of the business. It's that simple.

So, remember, you still have to make money. You have to have more money coming in than you have going out. You just use all the money to help the organization do what it was set up to do.


One of the most helpful and least used tools for any organization is planning. Instead of just starting to do things, sit down first and plan what you're going to do. Then on an ongoing basis, sit down for regular planning sessions. The benefits are enormous.

The level of detail of your plans, and the amount of time spent planning, will depend on the size of your organization and what it is you do. If you're helping with your children's sport team, and you're doing the bulk of the work yourself, you might have just a short to-do list that you put together in 15 minutes. More likely, though, you'll need to sit down with the other board members or volunteers for an hour or two, in several sessions, to develop a plan with enough detail that will give you clear direction and help you guide the organization.

When planning, always start with the end goal in mind. Set the target. Identify specific goals that you want to reach. Again, depending on your size and the nature of your organization, your planning time frame will vary. If you're just getting started with planning, your time horizon will be shorter. As you become more experienced with the planning, you can extend your time horizon out a little further. For your child's sports team, your plan might just cover the length of the season, maybe even just three or four months. Most organizations, however, will want to plan two or three years out. Any longer than that, you're generally talking about larger, well established, and more complex organizations.

So what's in these plans that you're making? There's going to be two parts to the plan; the goals you want to achieve, and how you're going to reach them. If your working on a two year plan, the goals will define where you want to be, what you want to be doing, two years from now. Say you're a service type organization that helps homeless people. Your goals might include that two years from now you're going to be providing two meals a day to 500 individuals a day, up from one meal a day to 100 individuals. Maybe you're a rugby club, and your goals might include that in two years you're going to have a paid coach on staff, two full sets of team owned game jerseys, or the funds to begin building your own clubhouse. OK, that might be a stretch for most clubs, but you get the idea.

Once you set these goals, you have to identify how you're going to achieve them. If you're going to increase from one meal a day to two meals a day, or go from no team owned game jerseys to two full sets, how are you going to do that? What are the intermediate steps? Who is responsible for doing what? If you're going to provide more meals, you need more food. You might need larger or better equipped facilities. You might need more volunteers. If you determine that you'll need 20 volunteers a day, but you now only have 5, you have to determine how you'll get the additional volunteers. Maybe you advertise more, apply for more grants, or hire a volunteer coordinator. Whatever the steps are to reach those goals, write them down so everyone knows what needs to be done and who's responsible for doing it.

When you plan, you have to monitor your progress against that plan. You don't want to wait until the end of the plan's defined time period to see whether you achieved the goals that you were aiming for. You want to monitor progress along the way, so that if things aren't going as expected you can make adjustments to get back on track. Or, if things are going as planned, you can focus on the other areas that need more attention, and not waste time on things that are working well.

Another benefit of planning is that you have something to evaluate new or unexpected opportunities against, rather than just trying to figure out on they're own if they're a good idea or something you should pursue. Something that sounds like a good idea might not be something you want to pursue when it's evaluated against your plan. Of course, if it is a good idea, and has been properly analyzed and evaluated, you can change your plans. It's always better to plan, and change the plan when called for, than not to plan at all. Planning helps you focus, and that's what you need.

Board of Directors

The board of directors, or the people who are going to run, guide, and direct your organization, is always a fun and interesting topic. Except for the tiniest of organizations, you should have an official board of directors whose job it is to guide and set the direction of the organization. Many times, these are the same people who do all the work, but not always. Again, it depends on your size and the nature of your organization.

The big question is who should be on the board. This can be difficult because the people, or type of people, who should be on the board are not necessarily the people who actually will be on the board, for a variety of reasons. Many times it is difficult, if not impossible, to actually attract the people that you want on the board. One reason is that the people who make the best board members are already on other boards, and they only have so much time. Also, many people may not know about your organization, and many people just aren't interested in what your organization does. So, what to do?

I always like to start with stating what I want. Identify the people, or types of people, you want on the board. If you don't start with what you want, you'll never get them. You might have to take what you can get, but at least identify what you want. If you identify the type of people you want, you can then target them and work towards getting them to help you. If you don't, you'll always be stuck with whatever comes your way. Identify the skills and attributes of your ideal board members. Do you need specific skill sets, individuals with lots of contacts in the community, or maybe wealthy individuals who will contribute to your cause? Whatever you need or want, be specific. You can even identify specific individuals you want on your board.

Why would anyone want to be on your board? It's often a thankless and time-consuming job, so you have to really market it. Don't lie, or overly sugarcoat it, but state the benefits of being on your board and tell the people why you want them to help you. If you're passionate about your organization, potential board members will pick up on that and that might be incentive enough to get them to help you. Other benefits include making new contacts, helping a worthy cause, and the fact that it looks good on their resume. Of course, the people who do not need these benefits will be a tougher sell, but a lot of times people will help just because you ask them. You'd be surprised how often people are just waiting to be asked.

One thing you absolutely have to do is define the roles and responsibilities of the board members, and communicate these to your board members. Even if they're pretty simple, and seem obvious, this is vital to your success. Everyone needs to know why they're on the board and what they're supposed to do. You can't afford to have dead weight on your board. Be tough, and hold the board members to their agreements of their duties.


You're going to have meetings, probably different types. Your board will have board meetings, and you might have staff meetings, volunteer meetings, general members meetings, or some other type of meeting. Many people dread meetings, and for good reason. Poorly run meetings not only do no good, they can do harm. So, run good meetings.

Always, always, always, have a defined agenda. Distribute the agenda prior to the meeting so everyone knows what is going to be discussed. Stick to the agenda. Set a defined meeting length, and assign a time to each agenda item. Stick to the time limits.

Along with the agenda, define the expected results of the meeting, meaning define what will be accomplished at the meeting. A simple expectation is to discuss each agenda item and vote on all items that need to be voted on. Depending on the reason for the meeting and the agenda items under discussion, you may have other expectations of what is to be accomplished.

Board of directors meetings are inherently different than most other types of meetings. The board sets high level policy and direction, so the board meetings are similarly high level. Most of the work of the board is done outside of the board meetings. The board meetings are generally fairly simple. Information and results of outside activities is presented, in synopsis, final discussions of important topics are made, and items are voted on. There should be few surprises at a board meeting. Most of the information should have already been distributed, analyzed, and discussed. Items are clarified, discussions that are best made face-to-face are made, and votes are held. If you're doing the bulk of your work in the board meetings themselves, you can immediately become more effective as an organization by making the changes outlined above.


For most small non-profit organizations, volunteers are the backbone that allows you to continue operating. Without quality volunteers, you won't exist as an organization for very long. At least you won't be able to accomplish what you set out to do. So be sure to take care of your volunteers.

All volunteers should have defined roles, no matter how simple their tasks. Be sure to train all your volunteers, no matter how simple the tasks. Training should include the specific tasks the volunteers will be undertaking, as well as the mission, philosophy, and policies of the organization. Again, no matter how simple the tasks, mission, and policies.

Always assign tasks, rather than just letting the volunteers do what they think is best. You should be flexible, of course, but in order to keep the organization moving in the direction that is defined by the board, the volunteers must be assigned tasks that support the defined goals.

Recognize and reward your volunteers. Some organizations are very good at this, but others take their volunteers for granted and fail to offer the necessary recognition and rewards. This is not usually by design, just from neglect. No matter how busy you are, take the time to praise your volunteers for all the hard work they're doing.

Don't overwhelm your volunteers. Some people can't say no. Don't let them take on more work than they should. Some people are driven to help, and are almost impossible to hold back. Hold them back. They'll be more valuable to you over the long term, and their health, mental and physical, is of paramount importance.

Make new volunteers feel welcome. Again, some organizations are good at this, while others assume since they volunteered they'll figure out what's going on and find their own way. This is not true. Every single new volunteer should be formally welcomed, told that they are appreciated, and told where they fit in with the organization. The training mentioned above should follow.

Accounting and Record Keeping

Keep records. Keep good records. Protect your self, protect your board members, volunteers, clients, members, and customers, and protect your organization. Don't rely on your, or anyone else's, memory. Have proof of what you've done. This is especially important with everything having to do with money. As with everything else, your record keeping system will depend on the size and complexity of your organization. You might just have a notebook, receipt book, and bank statements, or you might need a full-blown management system that includes accounting and financial information, sales and customer relations systems, and manufacturing, warehousing, and inventory systems. Use what is appropriate for you.

If necessary, hire people just like any other business. Some of the smallest non-profit organizations hire part-time administrative help. In today's modern world, you might even find it appropriate to hire virtual administrative help.

Set up controls. This is another area where it is especially important for everything having to do with money. Setting up controls means putting in systems to prevent or detect any sort of wrongdoing or impropriety. For example, if your organization has a checkbook, you want to limit the number of people who have access to the checks and who can write the checks. It's a good idea to have different people who control the checkbook and have the authority to sign the checks. Or, you might want the bank to send the account statement to someone other than the person who writes the checks or makes deposits. Other controls include separating duties or having one person check the results of another person. Basically, you want to remove temptation and make it difficult for anyone to do anything improper.

Even if you set up good controls, you should regularly conduct audits and check up on things. Not only does this help prevent anything nefarious from happening, it helps to keep the organization on-track and moving in the direction you want to go.


Go out and do good things. Put a little effort into the planning and infrastructure of your organization and you'll reap the rewards in the long run. Keep the level of effort and complexity appropriate to your organization, and try to keep sight of when it's time to add more formality to your systems. Best of luck to you and your organization.

Tips for Managing Your Small Non-Profit Organization


Friday, December 16, 2011

5 Great Scenery Add-Ons for Flight Simulator X

Scenery quality in Microsoft's Flight Simulator franchise has improved drastically over the years. Even so, the default textures seem to always leave room for improvement. Take your virtual flying experience to the next level with one of these exciting scenery expansion packs for FSX.

1. Photoreal America -- Sim Savvy


Sim-Savvy's "Massive Scenery Collection" makes its debut with Photoreal America. And boy is it massive! The program includes photo-realistic scenery that spans the entire U.S. mainland -- a whopping 400 GB worth of scenery.

Where does all this data come from? The USDA's National Agriculture Imagery Program NAIP, which takes 1 meter/pixel aerial photos every 2 years of continental U.S.

Don't have a 400 GB hard drive? Fear not, your Photoreal America purchase includes a 1 TB external hard drive that comes preloaded with the software. The program runs from the external hard drive directly, so there is no need to copy files onto your computer.

Considering the scope of this project, be prepared to pay a hefty price: 9 USD. But even with the price tag, Photoreal America is still a good investment in the long run; you are entitled to free updates as soon as they are available.

2. Ground Environment X USA & Canada -- Flight1

At .95, this add-on is an affordable alternative to Photoreal America. GEX replaces the default FSX scenery with crisp 1024x1024 pixel images that have a 1 meter/pixel resolution. One upside of GEX is that it includes night textures while Sim Savvy's product does not.

Flight simmers say that the scenery enhancements you'll see with GEX are subtle but noticeable. Desolate white road lines are transformed into major expressways bustling with traffic.

You will also see a more realistic "blending of seasons" compared to the default FSX scenery. Fall and spring textures mark a much more natural transition to winter and summer, respectively.

Despite the enhanced details, simmers say that they still get great frame rates.

3. Megascenery Bundle: Hawaii, Las Vegas, Reno -- PC Aviator

This bundle, gives you great scenery for three popular cities. Unlike Ground Environment X and Photoreal America, which do not include Hawaii, you will get photorealistic scenery for Ohau that is simply amazing. View some of the screen captures on the website and see for yourself. Ground textures look exactly like what you'd see in real life--distinct neighborhoods, enclaves of homes, and major expressways with traffic.

The Las Vegas component includes 2,100+ square miles of textures. The only shortcoming with this program is that it doesn't enhance any of the 3D buildings on the Vegas Strip. The buildings on the Strip are the same ones from the default FSX scenery.

4. Megascenery X: Southern California -- PC Aviator

I live in Los Angeles, so I'm always anxious to get my hands on the newest SoCal add-ons as soon as they are released. I was very impressed with Megascenery X. The level of detail is incredible. I was able to spot my high school, my neighborhood, and even my house!

As with the Megascenery Bundle, this program does not add any 3D objects to the landscape, but there are several other features that make up for this. I actually saw better frame rates with the add-on than with the default scenery -- a very pleasant surprise. Another cool feature included with Megascenery X: night textures. Most scenery expansion packs do not include night textures, so you should take advantage of this opportunity while you can.

5. Manhattan X -- Aerosoft.

Creating an elaborate virtual version of Manhattan is a daunting task. Even so, Aerosoft did a great job with this product.

All of Manhattan is completely remastered in jaw-dropping detail. There's 3D automobile traffic with everything from limos to public buses, there's the Staten Island Ferry making regularly scheduled trips across the harbor, and there's even something else that you typically don't see in a flight sim--people!

Another great feature is the "sightseeing mission." Starting at the Wall Street heliport, the mission involves flying a helicopter around the city with a co-pilot who doubles as a tour guide. With a thick Brooklyn accent, your tour-guide highlights areas of interest and gives interesting historical tidbits pertaining to the landmarks you encounter.

For Manhattan X, expect frame rates between 15 and 35 FPS on an Intel Quad Core machine with 2 GB of RAM. In the user's manual, Aerosoft explains exactly how to tweak the FSX display settings to maximize performance.

5 Great Scenery Add-Ons for Flight Simulator X