Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fundraising Ideas For Churches For the 21st Century Church

Christians are always looking for new fundraising ideas for churches. In a tough economy, it can be very difficult to come up with the money for new sound equipment, ministry outreaches, mission trips, food pantries, and various other ministries. People are giving less, and some church members are out of work. As a result, people are looking for ways to save money on everything from food, gas, entertainment, and all of the other basic necessities of life.

There are many great fundraising ideas for churches that can raise thousands of dollars for your next ministry outreach, youth group function, or overseas mission trip. Here are a few great ideas for your next church fundraiser:
Free Carwash You read that correctly! You can host a free carwash in the church parking lot, or you can team up with a local business at a busy intersection and use their parking lot. When you host a free car wash, people will come up in droves to get their car washed! Even though you might get a few freeloaders who won't donate, most people will still give a donation if they know you are working for a good cause. This also provides a few great witnessing opportunities for your team. Many curious onlookers will wonder why anybody would do a free carwash, and this presents opportunities to share the salvation message with unbelievers.
Krispy Kreme Fundraising One of the most popular fundraising ideas for churches is Krispy Kreme fundraising. Everyone is familiar with Krispy Kreme donuts, so there is virtually no selling involved! These are often sold at churches on Sunday mornings, and they make a great Sunday School snack too! Many people can't turn away Krispy Kreme donuts, so this can be a very effective fundraiser for your church youth group.
Yard Sales & Auctions Everyone has junk in the attic. Think about the clothes you haven't worn since you were 25. Maybe you have old CDS that are collecting dust. Many people have old televisions and old furniture sitting in the basement. If your church youth group is going on an overseas mission trip, then having a church-wide yard sale could be a great idea.
Selling Coupon Books Coupon book fundraising is one of the easiest fundraisers that a youth group can utilize to raise money. Coupon offers sell so well because the books practically pay for themselves. There are usually great offers in the coupon books, and you can save a lot of money on items that you would already purchase even if you didn't have the coupons. Many of the major retailers are included in many of these coupon directories including Wal-Mart, Gamestop, KFC, Target, Apple, and even Southwest Airlines.


There are many fundraising ideas for churches that will help your church youth group get the money they need to travel on the mission trip. Do not be afraid to ask your family and friends for donations for your next ministry outreach. Despite all of the negative headlines about the economy, there are still many great easy fundraising ideas for churches that work very well in any economic climate.

Fundraising Ideas For Churches For the 21st Century Church


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