Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tips for Planning Mission Trips Overseas

Many youth groups of all denominations in the United States regularly travel overseas for mission trips and outreaches. Perhaps you are building orphanages in Uganda, or ministering to street kids in Romania, or constructing housing in Guatemala - each of these trips is a unique opportunity for teenagers to serve others in an environment which takes them out of their comfort zone and forces them to evaluate their life from a global context. If you as a youth pastor or volunteer are planning such an excursion, here are a few suggestions to help you make the event a success:

1. Define your goals. What are you hoping to accomplish? Will the focus of your energy be through your team to the natives (outreach and evangelism) or are you primarily concerned with the maturation of your students (spiritual growth)? Obviously, you would like your team to grow as they serve others, but you as a leader need to know what your priorities are in advance so that you can spend your limited resources most effectively.


2. Incorporate the trip into your long-term strategy. Do not look for an easy location where you can easily get in and get out. Look at the various opportunities available to you, talk to your students and volunteers, and commit yourselves to an organization that aligns with your goals and values. This commitment will allow you to develop a special bond as you partner with the ministry throughout the year. Developing a long-term relationship with this organization will make even fundraising an enriching opportunity.

3. Coordinate with a local. Find a native or missionary in the country you wish to visit and ask for their help as you create your itinerary. They will know the best places to stay and eat (and avoid!). It should also help you when you are applying for visas to the country, if that is necessary. Many missionary organizations can put you in contact with someone already established in the country you wish to visit.

4. Plan ahead. Give yourself at least six months to plan, recruit, and raise money for the trip; if you have never done anything like this before, give yourself more time and ask for help from people with experience. There are lots of details and when you are dealing with international matters, lots of bureaucracy. Make sure your students have passports, or guide them through the application at least two months in advance.

5. Get insurance. Non-profit organizations like churches are often notorious for neglecting insurance, but when traveling with multiple minors overseas, prayer may be just a part of the overall coverage you need. International group insurance will be invaluable if one of your students becomes ill and requires hospitalization or transportation home.

No matter where you choose to serve, be smart and do not take unnecessary risks. Outreaches can be life-changing events; your job is to insure they are positive changes.

Tips for Planning Mission Trips Overseas


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