Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why Buy a CTR Ring

There are many reasons that a member or non-member of the Mormon Church might buy a CTR or other LDS ring. Some may wear the ring as a trend, or because they are fashionable. However, most wear the ring because of the strong underlying spiritual symbolism.

One mother purchased eleven CTR rings for her son serving a mission in the Philippines. Having served the members faithfully for 2 years, the missionary had made life-long and eternal friends. As a departing gift, he wanted them to remember the covenants they made having been baptized in the church. The CTR rings for these new members helped remind them of the profound feelings they had when they first felt the spirit.


A mission president serving in West Africa purchased two ETTE (Endure To The End) rings for two members who were recently made the 4 hour trip to be sealed in the temple. These rings were to serve as the wedding rings for the couple. When it came down to the choice to buy food or pay for a trip to the temple to be sealed, the couple chose to be sealed. These rings now serve as a symbol of their marriage, as well as their dedication to each other, and the Lord.

Thanks to giving, faithful members in a city in Wisconsin, every sister missionary that arrives in their area is to receive a RWH (Return With Honor) ring. These rings are to help the sisters of the mantle that rests on their shoulders as messengers of His gospel. The symbolism of the RWH ring encourages them to serve with diligence, patience, and love.

LDS CTR rings can serve as a reminder to live up to covenants made, to love and to cherish, or to work harder. The symbolisms an LDS ring may have are innumerous. The one thing that remains the same is how it can positively affect the life of the wearer.

Why Buy a CTR Ring


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